Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter 1 Notes

       In chapter one two characters are introduced, Lennie, and George . George takes on the more parental role, he watches over Lennie . Lennie is described as the more muscular one, who doesn't know right from wrong, as George is described as the smaller of the two, and very caring over Lennie . In chapter one, the duo is walking down a long road, and finally stops for shelter . Why does George care so much about Lennie? It states because of his aunt, but is there something else behind all of his front? Why does Lennie like soft things so much? What did he think he was doing when he was touching the girls dress?

       I think that either Lennie will mess up his and George's chances of getting a job by telling the interviewer why they were running . Or he'll listen to George, and they'll both get a job . Maybe George could start looking for a girlfriend like he says he'd like to . Their lives would go on good, until Lennie messes up again . But I think George will stay with him through it all, he has so far .

       I feel bad for Lennie when he offers to run off, and not to be a bother . It sort of reminds me of myself, I always feel as if  I'm bothering people, and I offer to leave . I feel like Lennie thinks he's disappointing his friend, and doesn't want to anymore . I also feel like Lennie, when George tells him not to mess up with the interview, how he tells him to do a certain thing, not to mess anything up . I think the author wrote the book to show how some friends stick with you through thick and thin . The theme that is popping up for me is selflessness, George protects Lennie as if he was his own blood . I do enjoy the book so far, I was thrilled when my teacher told me we were going to read it . My favorite cousin, is an eighth grade teacher, and recommends me all these books, and this happened to be one of them . I've loved all the books shes recommended, I'm not going to doubt her now .

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