Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chapter 6 Notes

Question: In this chapter, George ends up killing Lennie. Why didn't he just run away with Lennie again? Why did he kill him? Lennie had a mental disability, and George knew something bad would happened. Why didn't he just agree he'd kill him, then run away with him? Was it all for this new job? If so, he's wrong. He can't just kill like that.

Summarize: Lennie starts to hallucinate, he sees his Aunt Clara, and starts to see a bunny talking to him. George fun sky comes out from hiding and consoles Lennie about how he won't leave. Lennie then asks George to tell him about how they'll get away. As George is telling him, he shoots him, right where the skull meets the spine.

Reflect: "And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie's head. The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger." George basically stabbed Lennie in the back. I don't know if he thought he was helping Lennie, or just wanted to get rid of him, but it was harsh. He turned his back on Lennie, he got rid of him. If I was Aunt Clara, I would be ashamed. He just needed attention, and all he wanted was to tend the rabbits. But he won't even get to do that anymore.
Advice on when a friend turns their back on you.

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